Regulatory Overreaction

June 9, 2013

The news last week that a portion of a building being demolished then collapsed onto another building, burying several people, was tragic. I've seen enough demolition to understand that such a project requires planning and excellent execution. But I've also seen the viral videos of demolition gone awry.

If the excavator operator accused of manslaughter indeed was under the influence of marijuana, he must be prosecuted. Any negligence on the part of the contractor or building owner must also be addressed.

The reaction of the Philadelphia mayor, however, was swift and all too familiar: tougher regulation. According to a report by the Associated Press, Mayor Michael Nutter said, "We will not accept the status quo in the face of this tragedy."

Published reports indicate the contractor has had legal and financial problems, and the operator has a record of substance abuse. Before the City of Philadelphia adds another layer of regulation on an industry that has far more excellent contractors than not, it should examine the enforcement of existing regulations. If laws are not being enforced, fix it. If the city lacks staff to visit sites, hire some. If corruption allows unsafe contractors, operators or conditions, eliminate the corruption.

Do not automatically jump on an entire industry because of a single incident. The situation requires thoughtful analysis because more regulation isn't always the most effective response.

Related: Site inspector commits suicide.

About the Author

Rod Sutton

Sutton has served as the editorial lead of Construction Equipment magazine and since 2001. 

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