VR Training Tool Tests Hazard Knowledge

Sept. 27, 2019

Kennesaw State’s College of Computing and Software Engineering has partnered with Florida-based firm Haskell to develop a new virtual reality training tool for its employees known as the Hazard Elimination/Risk Oversight Program (HARO). According to The Sentinel, the program brings the user into a virtual construction site with various workplace hazards. Users then use best practices to mediate the risks.

Tech student assistant Michael Revit, who helped program aspects of HERO, said,

“It’s not to teach them what the hazards are on the worksite. We’re testing their knowledge. At the end, the program shows a result screen the proctor can see what they did good at, what they did bad at, what they need to know and what they already do know.”

The program is currently in the testing phase, according to KSU News. 

Source: The Sentinel