Aram Kalousdian, Editor
Stark Road paving in Livonia
Prime contractor
Florence Cement Company, Inc., of Shelby Township
$1.2 million
The Stark Road paving project in Livonia was one of the first projects to receive funding through Governor Jennifer Granholm's Local Jobs Today program. The project received a $174,000 grant under this program, along with $800,000 from the federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). More than 75 percent of the project's estimated $1.2-million cost was paid by state and federal transportation funds.
The project consisted of the complete replacement of the concrete pavement at the Stark Road and Schoolcraft intersection, as well as a complete replacement of approximately 1 mile of the northbound curb lane on Stark Road. There were also selective slab replacements on the remaining three lanes of Stark Road and on eastbound Schoolcraft between Stark Road and Farmington Road. The Stark Road project ran from Plymouth Road to Schoolcraft Road.
Florence Cement Company, Inc., of Shelby Township, is the prime contractor for the project. The project began in September and final restoration is expected to take place in the spring of 2007.
"It was a challenge getting this much work done this late in the season and fighting the heavy rains and early cold temperatures in October and November," Steve M. Lampton, senior project manager/estimator for Florence Cement, said.
A standard Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) P1 concrete mix was used on the project.
There was approximately 8,500 square yards of concrete reconstruction and 4,500 square yards of selective concrete slab replacement. Orchard Hiltz & McCliment, Inc., of Livonia, was the engineering consulting firm for the project.
Equipment used on the project included a Gomaco Commander 3 paver for the northbound Stark Road curb lane; Cat 320 and Komatsu 200 excavators for the pavement removal; Cat D4 and Cat D5 dozers; and a Helco portable concrete plant.
Florence Cement Company owns most of the equipment it uses. "We rent additional pieces of equipment based on need during the year," Lampton said. Florence Cement works with several construction equipment dealers. Florence also purchases equipment at auctions and, occasionally, will purchase equipment from other contractors. The company purchases new and used equipment.