Vermeer D200×300 Navigator HDD

Sept. 28, 2010

D200×300The D200×300 Navigator HDD provides 30,000 pounds of rotary torque and 200,000 pounds of thrust/pullback capacity. To supply drilling-fluid needs, both a stand-alone fluid-pumping system and a fluid-recycling system are available. The SA300 remote, high-pressure pumping station supplies 300 or 470 gpm of drilling fluid. Its pipe rack will accept oil-field drill stem up to 32 feet long.

The D200×300 Navigator HDD provides 30,000 pounds of rotary torque and 200,000 pounds of thrust/pullback capacity. To supply drilling-fluid needs, both a stand-alone fluid-pumping system and a fluid-recycling system are available. The SA300 remote, high-pressure pumping station supplies 300 or 470 gpm of drilling fluid. Its pipe rack will accept oil-field drill stem up to 32 feet long.

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