Bruno Gattamorta

April 29, 2020
Cojali USA
Class: 2020 Age: 33 Company: Cojali USA Website:

Bruno is responsible for sales of the company’s Jaltest products, including All Makes Diagnostics.

“Bruno is leading this project,” says Jaime Yelo, a co-worker in customer support. “By expanding the program, we are currently helping thousands of customers be independent, increase their uptime, and overall be more profitable businesses.”

Education: Master’s degree, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; MBA, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Accomplishments: Company sales have increased four-fold in the three years I have been in the lead sales role. I created a network of distribution for alfalfa and fodder products in Saudi Arabia, supporting local farmers that bought small quantities and had no access to credit. I calculated points of distribution through sheep and camel movements in the country.

Fun fact: Alumni of the Young Patrons of Opera, Miami.

Favorite vacation: Sri Lanka in 2014, five years after its independence.

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