Les Hill, CEM

April 19, 2019
B. Frank Joy
Class: 2019 Age: 33 Company: B. Frank Joy Website: http://www.bfjoy.com

Les moved from the U.S. Marines to his first construction equipment shop in 2014, and earned his Certified Equipment Manager designation from AEMP in 2018. He now runs the fleet at B. Frank Joy, an underground utilities contractor.

"Not only did he successfully pass his CEM on the first attempt," says Brianna Hayes, operations manager, Sarasota County Government fleet, "but he also participated in study sessions with other members to explain the material in a way that would benefit them. He also went above and beyond to discuss how these business practices could be used in their day-to-day business."

Education: Bachelor's degree, American Military University.

Professional accomplishments: Developed an estimate-based budget to allow projects to monitor actual equipment cost in relation to cost within the contract’s estimate. This allowed projects to understand their equipment budget in real time and in relation to changing contractual conditions. Improved vendor relations and procurement decision strategy, resulting in a 40-percent decrease in outside rental costs and an overall 32-percent decrease in acquisition costs.

Off the clock: Lifting weights, playing guitar, MMA, and bartending.

Fun fact: Skills learned in Marine Corps Intelligence taught me how to analyze data for trends, anomalies, and statistics.

Favorite book: "12 Rules for Life: An Anecdote to Chaos" by Jordan Peterson because of the message on personal responsibility leading to purpose and ultimately happiness.

Read our profile of Les Hill here.

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