Keaton Turner

April 19, 2019
Turner Mining Group
Class: 2019 Age: 30 Company: Turner Mining Group Website:

In 2017, Keaton (right) founded Turner Mining, which performs a full spectrum of mine services for cement, aggregate, and specialty mineral producers.

“Keaton Turner has demonstrated his leadership skills by building an amazing culture at Turner Mining Group,” says Thomas Haun, COO. “He truly cares about his employees and takes very good care of them.”

Education: Bachelor’s degree, Indiana State University.

Professional accomplishments: The business achieved revenue of $50 million within 24 months, and grew from seven employees to more than 150.

Off the clock: Coaching my four-year-old son, and dance parties in the kitchen with my 2-year-old daughter and wife.

Extracurricular: Boys & Girls Club, YoungLife.

Favorite book: “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Dale Carnegie. This book has helped shape the way I think about relationships, influence, and the huge responsibility we all have to impact others in a positive way.

Fun fact: I always estimate and draft our larger proposals at the office in the middle of the night.

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