Jesse Morain

April 21, 2017
Turner Industries
Class: 2017 Age: 37 Company: Turner Industries

Morain manages day-to-day operations of Turner’s Baton Rouge Equipment Division, and coordinates the movement of equipment between five branches. He started with Turner as an equipment operator.

“Jesse has pioneered many of the initiatives that have yielded success for our Equipment Operation,” says Stephen Toups, executive VP. “He is recognized for his excellence by not only our customers and fellow employees, but the vendors and suppliers we work with every day.”

Education: Louisiana State University

Professional accomplishments: Helped expand the Turner Crane & Rigging presence in Baton Rouge, resulting in a 108-percent increase in revenue over 7 years. Led the equipment division in designing and implementing new ELC software, which has increased efficiency in operations and accounting the entire Equipment Division. Played a critical role in the management of Turner’s 350 cranes, resulting in a company record for revenue in equipment rental.

Off the clock: Taking my family fishing is a great way to connect without technology and simply enjoy one another’s company while doing something we all love.

Read our profile of Jesse here.

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