Locke Rowe

Oct. 24, 2014
Class: 2014 Age: 39 Company: Smith-Rowe

Education: B.S., Business Management, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C.

Professional accomplishments: As VP-Operations, led Smith-Rowe to become a diversified company with various project capabilities. Prior to my promotion, I served as superintendent on several projects, including a structure over the CSX railway through which 36 trains per day passed at speeds over 60 mph.

Off the clock: Skiing, boating.

Favorite book: “The Ultimate Gift,” by Jim Stoval. An ungrateful young man experiences various month-long trials during which he is introduced to 12 disciplines needed to appreciate life. I especially enjoyed the chapter The Gift of Laughter because it made me realize how much better it is to laugh at life than to cry about circumstances.

Extracurricular: I advise the Elkin Valley Trail Association about bridges needed for the trail.

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