Ironworks LLC has signed Teichert Construction as its first beta program participant for the company cloud-based cost-management system. Four years of prototype development involved alpha users, the company said in a press release, and it is now ready for “full-scale development.”
The company is seeking seven more “large-scale” contractors to participate in the beta program.
“Ironworks changes the game of bidding and building work in the fiercely competitive infrastructure construction industry,” said Grant Lungren, president, in a prepared statement. “Ironworks does this by managing a fleet like a job, with the performance of every machine planned, scheduled, budgeted and assessed, so machine-specific costs can be managed in detail.”
Ironworks’ key functions related to equipment cost-management include fleet information administration, renting and leasing, charge-rate management, client billing rate administration, dispatching, machine performance history and fleet analysis and optimization.
“Ironworks employs today’s data visualization and analytics technology to make expert equipment cost-management easy,” he said. “Not every contractor has to use Ironworks, but they will have to compete against those who do.”
To be considered for participation in the Ironworks beta program, contractors are asked to go to, and click on the top line menu option “Beta Program” and then “I am interested.”
Grantlun is also president of Grantlun Corp., which created Hard Dollar.
Source: Ironworks