
Sept. 28, 2010

Extended Protection Plans are now available for Eaton clutches and transmissions and Dana drive axles in construction and other severe-service trucks. The two builders' Roadranger marketing arm said the new plans add one to two years of additional coverage beyond the standard one-year warranties on components in new trucks.

Extended Protection Plans are now available for Eaton clutches and transmissions and Dana drive axles in construction and other severe-service trucks. The two builders' Roadranger marketing arm said the new plans add one to two years of additional coverage beyond the standard one-year warranties on components in new trucks. Cost might range from $150 for a medium-duty transmission to $2,000 for a heavy-duty 2-speed tandem axle, and can be financed along with the purchace price of a new truck. Service is available through more than 3,500 Roadranger-authorized shops and will cover genuine Dana and Eaton parts and labor to install them. Mileage-based extended warranties are also planned.