Resources for Suicide Prevention [VIDEO]

Sept. 7, 2021

The Travelers Companies released a white paper and Risk Control eGUIDE designed to help contractors assess and implement suicide-in-construction awareness programs.

Visit Suicide and the Construction Worker.

“Data indicates that construction workers may be subject to a greater risk of suicide, and awareness is the first step toward prevention,” said Jennifer Lee, VP, in a prepared statement. “Knowing the factors that could increase someone’s risk of suicide can help contractors better identify and assist vulnerable employees.”

Travelers is also supporting the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP) and its goal of creating a zero-suicide industry. Construction companies can access CIASP’s trainings, posters, toolbox talks, and self-assessments free of charge to help them evaluate their mental health and suicide prevention preparedness.

Dr. Marcos Iglesias, VP and chief medical director (see video below), stated:

“Suicide rates have historically increased during economic downturns and periods of higher unemployment. As Covid-19 continues to negatively affect the workforce, we can take steps now to help our construction customers understand mental health issues and potentially stop an upward trend of suicides.”