The M212 truck-mounted slurry seal and microsurfacing paver from Bergkamp is designed for projects with long distances from the stockpile. It can carry 12 cubic yards of aggregate, 691 gallons of asphalt emulsion, and 691 gallons of water. The pugmill, converyor and liquid material tanks are removable for cleaning. Full-width working platform allows operators to see both sides of the unit, the spreader box, and the material. A remote sideshift control allows operation from the ground. Aggregate is delivered to the M212’s pugmill by a belt-over-chain conveyor. Steep hopper walls minimize bridging, and the hopper’s polyethylene lining reduces friction, which the company says eliminates the need for a vibrator. The asphalt emulsion ratio is regulated as it is pumped by the 3-inch gear pump into the pugmill—where they are mixed with the aggregate. The variable speed, dual-shaft, multi-paddle pugmill has a dual hydraulic drive, which provides even mixture and coating of the aggregate. The M212 is powered by an onboard 99-horsepower Cummins engine.