Sentera enhances drone capabilities

July 17, 2023

Sentera has announced that its ultra-high-resolution RGB sensor, the 65R, is now compatible with its PHX fixed-wing drone.

According to the company, this can lower the cost and time required to produce accurate digital surface models (DSMs) and imagery products for several industries, including construction, infrastructure, agriculture, and environmental monitoring.

The 65R’s global shutter and fast frame rate combine to quickly produce exceptional imagery, free from distortions produced by electronic rolling shutter cameras and with a rugged “no moving parts” design that is ideal for the sometimes-challenging physical environment onboard a drone.

With 65 million pixels per frame of global shutter imagery, the 65R is a tool to produce 3D products like DSMs. DSMs have become a critical factor in how businesses and governments make decisions, from planning and development to natural resource management to disaster mitigation. With 65R, the DSM and the RGB imagery product can both be produced from the same dataset.

“3D models have become almost as popular with our customers as our imagery products,” said Eric Taipale, CTO of Sentera. “65R is a very high quality imager, and integration of this sensor with a high-efficiency platform like PHX cuts the data acquisition time required to capture large areas by up to 50 percent versus comparable VTOL platforms.”

PHX is one of the most popular high-throughput drone platforms for multispectral and thermal data production. Because of its design, the fixed-wing drone can cover up to three times more ground than multi-rotor drones in the same amount of time. Now, with the additional of 65R, the platform adds 3D and UHR RGB capabilities.

Source: Sentera

About the Author

Frank Raczon

Raczon’s writing career spans nearly 25 years, including magazine publishing and public relations work with some of the industry’s major equipment manufacturers. He has won numerous awards in his career, including nods from the Construction Writers Association, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, and BtoB magazine. He is responsible for the magazine's Buying Files.