World of Concrete will return to its regular January rotation in 2022, scheduled for January 18-20 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Educational sessions are slated to start on Monday, January 17.
OEMs from around the world and exclusive U.S. distributors of equipment, tools, products, and services for the commercial construction, concrete, and masonry industries will be on hand.
The show attracts approximately 1,500 exhibiting companies to more than 700,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor exhibit space. Show runner Informa says more than 60,000 industry professionals from around the world attend, representing all segments of the construction industry.
As of this writing, there is still an indoor mask mandate in effect for Las Vegas, and World of Concrete officials will be taking similar steps to the ones they took at the previous show in June of this year to help ensure a safe environment.
The official show hotel block is already open. More information on the 2022 show can be found here.