ANSI/PGMA G300-2018 Safety and Performance of Portable Generators Standard (G300) has been updated to include a requirement that portable generators include automatic carbon monoxide (CO) shut-off technology. All generators that meet the standard automatically sense CO levels that approach dangerous levels, shutting off the portable generator engine before carbon monoxide concentrations exceed 800 ppm (parts per million). Once the engine has been shut down, a notification light remains illuminated for a minimum of five minutes after shutoff occurs.
According to the Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association (PGMA), extensive testing in indoor, outdoor, and “real world” situations demonstrated that these shutoffs will prevent more than 99 percent of fatalities from exposure to CO from a portable generator.
Nearly all fatalities happen inside, according to Susan Orenga, executive director, who said that although nothing is more important that proper use, “having the shutoff requirement in the G300 standard is a potentially lifesaving failsafe.”
The association is launching an awareness campaign. “We want to ensure consumers understand the issues of misusing a portable generator, so PGMA developed its extensive Take it Outside education and awareness campaign.”
Although CO safety is the focus in the updated standard, it contains a comprehensive guide for every facet of portable generator safety and performance, covering topics like general electrical construction requirements, properly guarding moving parts, preventing mechanical hazards and electrical shock hazards, as well as strict testing that manufactures have to pass, including temperature tests, drop tests, and more.
Running a portable generator outside—far from doors and windows in well-ventilated areas—is the only way to maintain safety, according to PGMA.
Source: PGMA