In a new experimental study, researchers at Australia’s RMIT University looked to the natural strength of lobster shells to design special 3D printing patterns. According to RMIT, their bio-mimicking spiral patterns improved the overall durability of the 3D printed concrete, as well as enabling the strength to be precisely directed for structural support when needed.
When the team combined the twisting patterns with a specialized concrete mix enhanced with steel fibers, the resulting material was stronger than traditionally made concrete.
“Our study explores how different printing patterns affect the structural integrity of 3D printed concrete, and for the first time reveals the benefits of a bio-inspired approach in 3DCP,” said Dr. Jonathan Tran, lead researcher. “We know that natural materials like lobster exoskeletons have evolved into high-performance structures over millions of years, so by mimicking their key advantages we can follow where nature has already innovated.”
According to the article, the most conventional pattern used in 3D printing is unidirectional, where layers are laid down on top of each other in parallel lines. The team tested the impact of printing the concrete in helicoidal patterns (inspired by the internal structure of lobster shells), cross ply and quasi-isotropic patterns, and standard unidirectional patterns.
While the results showed strength improvement from each of the patterns, Tran said the spiral lobster-inspired patterns held the most promise for supporting complex 3D printed structures.
“As lobster shells are naturally strong and naturally curved, we know this could help us deliver stronger concrete shapes like arches and flowing or twisted structures,” he said. “This work is in early stages so we need further research to test how the concrete performs on a wider range of parameters, but our initial experimental results show we are on the right track.”
Source: EMIT University