Stevenson Crane Service received a Thomas J. Reynolds Award for Excellence in Construction Safety and Health from The Association of Union Constructors. The heavy-lifting equipment company was named in the category that relates to 100,000 to 500,000 hours of work performed to exceptional degrees of safety.
To be eligible for recognition, companies had to perform 25 percent better than national averages for the preceding year in their Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) rate, based on Bureau of Labor Statistics national averages as a benchmark.
Stevenson achieved a DART Frequency of zero.
“Our people work diligently every single day to avoid accidents and work as safely as possible,” said Ted Larkin, corporate safety director, in a prepared statement. “Earning an award from a national group like TAUC is an affirmation of everything that we’ve worked so hard to achieve, and we’re very grateful for the recognition.”
Awards were given based on performances for the 2019 calendar year.
Source: Stevenson Crane Service