Podcasts are not new, but they are gaining new attention from transportation agencies that are using them to talk about transportation policies and trends, and general road and agency information.
According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Talking Transportation blog, state departments of transportation have created podcasts for a number of years. The association published a report in 2011 that found 10 states were producing podcasts in 2010. By 2012 however, only seven states produced podcasts, and by 2014, with the number having dwindled further, AASHTO stopped tracking the trend altogether.
But now Arizona, Nebraska, Utah, Idaho, and Michigan are back with their own podcasts. Even AASHTO's Snow and Ice Pooled Fund Cooperative Program, known as SICOP, has produced its own podcast.
Talking Transportation blog writer Lloyd Brown, who is also AASHTO's director of communications and marketing, writes, "Just as there are people who regularly read about transportation policies and trends, and just as there are people who tune in to watch online transportation video, there will also be podcast audiences for transportation stories."
Source: AASHTO