Eliminate Downtime, a movement created by Trackunit, discussed solutions to the challenge of low productivity, missed deadlines, and cost overruns with 40 construction industry leaders during a Chicago gathering.
Organizations including Komatsu, Admar, United Rentals, Sunbelt, Caterpillar, Bechtel, Messer Construction, Uptake, and Trackunit contributed to the day with presentations, workshops, and a panel. All presentations throughout the day illustrated the need for collaboration and open interoperable systems. The benefits of site safety and project productivity were also demonstrated.
Jeff Cohen, president, said in a press release, “There are many examples of how data is transforming other industries; increasing productivity, safety and profitability. The presentations at the Eliminate Downtime event in Chicago demonstrated how our industry is now linking people, machines and data to create incredible solutions to costly problems in the construction market.”
According to Trackunit, since the construction industry generates massive amounts of data every day, individual organizations are beginning to use data to streamline processes and plan projects. Using AI and machine learning could allow businesses to overhaul numerous working practices enhancing worker roles, and allowing equipment to be maintained for the whole life cycle.
Source: Trackunit