Dear Western Builder Readers, I am sad to say that this is the final edition of Western Builder. Since its founding in 1902, this hardy magazine has survived two world wars, the Great Depression of the 1930s, and several more recent recessions. Unfortunately, it has now been killed off by the difficult current economic climate that is affecting all kinds of printed publications. Western Builder is one of 13 regional construction magazines in the Associated Construction Publications family that are closing their doors. I know many of you rely on Western Builder's bid and award listings in prospecting for work. This edition tells you the ways our parent company will continue to offer you that vital information. Thank you to our readers, to the contractors who have welcomed me onto their job sites, to the dealers, to the association and union leaders, to the government officials, and to everyone else who has made this job so rewarding and so much fun. I've loved every minute of it. I am thankful for having had the privilege of meeting and working with the good down-to-earth people who are so plentiful throughout the construction and engineering industries, and the suppliers who support them. It has been my privilege to serve you with information, news and stories. I don't yet know what I will do — but I hope to find an opportunity to do something similar somewhere in the construction and engineering industries. If I don't, I will still have the wonderful memories. Take care, Mike Continue Your Relationship with Reed! You can get even more commercial construction project leads, economic forecasts, news and equipment reviews through some of Reed's most popular products: Reed Construction Data has brought you quality project leads, featured news and equipment reviews through the Associated Construction Publications for over 100 years. While we regret that we will no longer be able to serve you through these publications, we are excited to offer you new products and resources moving forward. With your paid subscription to Western Builder, we'd like to offer you one of our project news products, with even more project information, for the remainder of your no additional cost. Reed Bulletin (online or in print) gives you easy access to find, bid and win jobs. You'll be able to save time looking for projects, and quickly contact the key players on each job — relevant names, addresses and phone numbers are listed on each project in Reed Bulletin. Learn more by visiting Selections must be completed within 30 days. If we don't hear from you and we have your e-mail, you will automatically be set-up with electronic delivery. If not, we will process your prorated refund. To make your selection, simply visit or call 800-424-3996. We look forward to serving your ongoing project news needs. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information or for assistance with your new subscription selection. Our Customer Care department is available by phone and e-mail at: 800-424-3996 ¦ [email protected]