The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is continuing its push to jumpstart the economy and provide work for Missourians through transportation projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
In early March, the Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission approved 32 road resurfacing projects throughout the state that are funded by the federal economic stimulus package. The projects total approximately $39 million and will support an estimated 1,000 jobs. Most of the work involves laying asphalt to make road surfaces smoother and safer. More than $14 million will be used to resurface sections of Interstate 70 in Lafayette and Cooper counties.
MoDOT is analyzing the provisions of the economic recovery legislation to determine how it will spend the rest of the stimulus money not already obligated. Fifty percent of the funds must be obligated no later than June 17, and the projects must be completed within three years.
In addition, the Federal Highway Administration has said priority should be given to projects that maximize job creation and economic benefit and are located in economically distressed areas.
The 32 projects awarded in March join four projects MoDOT started Feb. 17 within minutes of President Barack Obama signing the federal economic recovery bill. Missouri was the first state in the nation to have work under way with economic stimulus funds.
Under the act, Missouri will receive approximately $637 million for road and bridge projects and an estimated $150 million to address air, rail, transit, waterway, and pedestrian projects throughout the state.