More than 600 concrete industry professionals attended the Iowa Concrete Paving Association's (ICPA) 43rd Annual Concrete Paving Workshop held in Des Moines Feb. 7–9.
The event included business meetings, educational sessions, informational forums, and the presentation of ICPA's/Iowa Department of Transportation's Blue Ribbon Awards for the best concrete projects constructed during 2006.
Contractor award winners in 20 categories are as follows.
Interstate Projects
Fred Carlson Co., LLC on the Cramer/Jensen/United East 15th to Guthrie Avenue project in Polk County
Divided Highway Projects
Cedar Valley Corp. for the Sheldon Bypass in O'Brien County
State Roads
Cedar Valley Corp. on the Sidney Bypass in Fremont County
County Roads
Cedar Valley Corp. for a county road project in Monona County
PCC Overlays
Flynn Company, Inc. on an Iowa 187 project in Buchanan County
Traffic Management
K. Cunningham Construction Co. for its work on the 2006 E. San Marnan Drive Paving Improvements in Waterloo
City Street/Intersection
(>30,000 SY)
Wicks Construction, Inc. on street improvements in Bloomfield
City Street/Intersection
(<30,000 SY)
Allied Construction Co., Inc. for street improvements in Osage
City Subdivision (>15,000 SY)
Metro Pavers, Inc., for its work on Cardinal Ridge Parts 1 & 2 in Iowa City
City Subdivision (<15,000 SY)
Eco-Tech Construction, LLC, on South Maple Grove Plat 2 in West Des Moines
Urban Arterial/Collector
Nuckolls Concrete Services, Inc. for the N.W. 62nd Avenue Improvements in Johnston
Large Parking Lot
Clayco Construction Co., Inc. and Eco-Tech Construction, LLC (sub) on Project Amber in Urbandale
Commercial Airport
Manatt's, Inc. for its work on the reconstruction of Runway 9/27 at the Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar Rapids
General Aviation (>30,000 SY)
Manatt's, Inc. for Runway 18/36 at Fairfield Municipal Airport
General Aviation (<30,000 SY)
Wicks Construction, Inc. for its apron and taxiway rehabilitation at Forest City Municipal Airport
Urban Recreational Trail
Peterson Contractors, Inc. and Streb Construction Co. (sub) for Liberty Centre Pond Improvements in North Liberty
Rural Recreational Trail
Wicks Construction, Inc. for Butterfly Park Trail in West Union
Special Recognition:
Urban Overlay
Allied Construction Co., Inc. on the South Story Street Improvements in Boone
Special Recognition: Decorative
Metro Pavers, Inc. for the Iowa River Landing Improvements Project in Coralville
Special Recognition: Roundabout
Flynn Company, Inc. on the Roundabout Intersection of Highways 63 and 34 in Ottumwa.