The new TY150GSC Gas-Powered Fastening System from TyRex, LLC is five times faster than powder actuated fastening systems, but requires no OSHA training or licensing to operate. It is ideal for commercial projects like fastening drywall track, wood furring, hat channel, ceiling grid to concrete, concrete block and steel.
The new TY150GSC has 20,000 volts of ignition power to operate in extreme conditions and a wider variety of fuel cells. It delivers 67 ft-lbs of driving force from an ergonomic design weighing 8.3 pounds.
It shoots standard washer or breakaway style collation pins from ½" to 1 ¼" long and is compatible with other brands of fuel/pin packs including ITW/Ramset® TrakFast and Powers Trak-It®. A variety of finishes are available for steel, concrete and masonry applications.