Colson Caster’s new Triumph™ Wheel is suitable for major manufacturing environments including tow-line, automotive, and tire manufacturing sites. The new Triumph, with the MPH on the end standing for quick, smooth and silent rolling, is built for high capacity loads up to 1200 lbs per wheel.
"The new Triumph Wheel has been designed for all applications where the need is great for high capacity and ease of maneuverability," said David Long, product manager for Colson.
Colson’s new Triumph Wheels are available in four models with 75, 80, 90 and 95 Shore A durometer polyurethane tread. All of the products are manufactured with maintenance free, precision bearings for maximum rolling ease. The non-marking, polyurethane wheels, constructed in red, blue and brown, depending upon model, are equipped in either Round or Crown tread for managing obstructions and enhanced swivel over other flat tread units.
All of the models are built to resist damage from chemicals, acids, oils, and other caustic substances, and can handle temperatures ranging from –40 degrees to 180 degrees.