22 States Bid on Hyperloop Test Track

Nov. 11, 2019

The Wall Street Journal reported that 22 states including Missouri, Texas, North Carolina, and Ohio have bid on the first Hyperloop certification track. Los Angeles-based Virgin Hyperloop One sent out a request for proposals asking states to bid for a chance to host a 6-mile test track. The hyperloop would move both people and cargo in near friction-free pods, according to the report, and can travel close to 700 miles an hour. 

The article reports that Missouri is trying its hardest to “win” the first Hyperloop certification track, saying project will help turn the state into a “technology powerhouse,” according to the Wall Street Journal. The state has reportedly been ahead in staking out its position on the Hyperloop. 

Pricing for the test track can range between $300 million and $500 million, according to a Missouri blue-ribbon panel report. The panel also found that a line connecting Kansas City to St. Louis (traveling 250 miles in 30 mins) could cost more than $10 billion. If the test track is successful, Hyperloop One might build the full line connecting the cities. 

Source: The Wall Street Journal