Virtual reality (VR) is one new technology that is changing the construction industry by solving old problems, according to Construction Global.
Because every building is different, construction has never been scaled easily. VR makes it easy to share across teams and get new teams quickly up to date on relevant issues. Creating a 3D model of a construction site made it possible to create an accurate model more quickly, and also making it possible to share those models across teams.
VR also gives teams the ability to “see” a project site without traveling to it. This makes it easier for teams to collaborate in real-time. This improves timelines by facilitating feedback, and improves accuracy.
Additionally, VR improves the customer experience. Clients can now walk into a VR model and see for themselves what their project will look like when it’s complete. Customers are able to watch the project unfold, and see everything is going according to plan. If issues and questions arise, customers can address them right away in a collaborative VR environment.