The Distribution Contractors Association (DCA) now has three auxiliary microsites granting access to industry resources from a single location. The sites provide education, training, and jobseeker/recruitment tools and opportunities aimed at getting people back to work.
According to a press release, companies can use the site to promote jobs, and potential employees can connect with the companies. DCA’s Let’s Get To Work website, is useful for workforce candidates ranging from students to tradespeople with advanced skill sets.
DCATrenchless was launched during the DCA Virtual Spring Meeting in early March 2021. The site’s multimedia content gives users a concise, basic overview of the application, techniques, equipment, and tooling used in horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and trenchless. Topics also include drilling fluid’s purpose, environmentally friendly additives, and recycling process.
The Operator Qualification Integrity Process microsite focuses on the Operator Qualification Integrity Process. OQIP is a DCA-initiated training resource developed in partnership providers, local distribution companies (LCDs) as well as federal regulators. The site provides training resources for use by both natural gas providers and utility companies.