EmbedTek, a technology company specializing in the design and manufacture of embedded computer systems, software, sensors, and integrated displays, announced it has begun production and is accepting orders for PariRange, a peer-to-peer social distancing and contact tracing device. The PariTRange system can be used to support the health and safety of a workforce.
PariRange collects and communicates data in a peer-to-peer fashion between contact tracing devices worn by employees. The system enforces social distancing, easily extracts contact tracking data, and immediately identifies potential employee exposure to infection. PariRange requires no communication infrastructure, so it is scalable for the size of the workforce and appropriate for all kinds of locations.
How the PariRange™ system works:
- Employees wear the discrete PariRange device, which monitors the distance from other devices. Ultra-wideband and time of flight technology measure distance between devices with a rated accuracy of 4 inches.
- When an employee comes within 6 feet of another device, the system sends a vibration alert. Date and duration of close contacts are recorded whenever multiple devices come within the 6-foot range.
- Each day, the duration of close contact a user's device has with other devices is aggregated and stored for 14-28 days. Data is easily viewed through a PariRange Log Reader.
Should illness occur, it’s easy to identify employees who have had close contact with the infected individual. This allows businesses to take action quickly.
"PariRange can help prevent outbreaks in facilities by quickly and accurately identifying close contacts. Those employees can then be tested and isolated," said Dan Aicher, CEO of EmbedTek. "PariRange can also help in reinforcing social distancing in the workplace. We're more than three months into this pandemic and social distance fatigue or complacency can creep into employee habits."