The city of South Lyon will construct a streetscape project along 1/2-mile of Lafayette Street, from Liberty Street to McHattie Street. The basic elements of the project include concrete and concrete paver sidewalks, ornamental street lights, and shade trees with ornamental iron grates. This project will provide a more pedestrian-friendly environment for residents and visitors wishing to take advantage of the city's downtown and recreation opportunities. The total budget is $396,192, including $138,667 in matching funds from the city of South Lyon and $257,525 in federal Transportation Enhancement funds.
The village of Holly will construct a streetscape on Saginaw Street in the village's downtown. The project will include stamped and colored concrete at the Saginaw/Maple Street intersection and crosswalk locations.
The project also includes decorative sidewalk, ornamental lighting, decorative benches, a raised planter, trees and landscaping. The project budget is $436,223, with $327,167 in federal funds and $109,056 in local match from the village of Holly.