Dustin Thompson

April 19, 2019
Sunbelt Rentals
Class: 2019 Age: 35 Company: Sunbelt Rentals Website: http://www.sunbeltrentals.com

Dustin is in charge of fleet optimization and product development, which includes sourcing new vendors for equipment solutions. He has been with Sunbelt his entire career, starting out in the customer service call center.

Education: UNC-Pembroke, UNC-Charlotte.

Professional accomplishments: I sold in multiple markets across the Carolinas for almost four years and was able to see firsthand the customers that our company services and the needs that our equipment and services must meet. I have been able to successfully launch or support multiple unique solutions.

Extracurricular: Manage our relationship with Habitat for Humanity of York County, and lead a church small group of 4th and 5th grade boys.

Favorite vacation: 4th of July in Garden City, South Carolina. We get two neighboring houses and we pack in parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, and uncles.

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