Dica SafetyTech multi-pad system for concrete pumps

June 7, 2023

DICA's interlocking SafetyTech Steel Dunnage system is designed to facilitate daily challenges faced by concrete pump operators.

The interlocking design consists of eight parts that can be retrieved and deployed for stability and load distribution by a single operator.

The system features three SafetyTech Outrigger base pads, the top one fitted with steel plate and recessed radius to keep the outrigger float stabilized. Four steel tubes also prevent movement by interlocking into machined grooved in the base pads.

A combination of steel and DICA’s engineered thermoplastic material ensures additional stability while also reducing ground bearing pressure.

These materials and features are guaranteed to never rot, deteriorate, or waterlog and create a portable and efficient everyday solution.

The SafetyTech Steel Dunnage system is available in two sizes, both of which work with outrigger floats up to inches in diameter. The smaller 13.5 square foot version has a capacity of 60,000 pounds and is designed for pumps up to 49 meters.

The second 18.3 square foot option has a capacity of 110,000 pounds and works with trucks up to 63 meters long.